Wonderful weather here in London this weekend. Day 27 was the perfect sort of day to make the most of our local Arts Festival. A couple of weeks ago I picked up this booklet from a local store listing addresses of an incredible number of artists opening their homes for public and displaying their works. (big thanks to my friend J for the heads-up!) So, on Saturday the four of us set off to explore the art in our neighbourhood. We walked for four hours, visited a good number of open houses and studios. Girls' stamina was impressive, an odd biscuit or treat here and there offered by generous hosts kept them going for hours. In the end we came home in very late in the afternoon, having bagged a painting along the way, just in time for me to make it to a late evening class.
In terms of practice, I have noticed an incredible increase in my core strength. Nowhere is this more visible than in the tricky Trikanasana or the Triangle pose. This challenging master posture used to be my pet hate, but increasingly I begin the standing series longing to get into the Triangle. Bikram C. says that when you improve your triangle, you improve your life 360 degrees: sexually, mentally, physically, financially, emotionally. Woohooo! I won't question this a lot, whatever the benefits all I know that at the moment it's just so much fun doing it!
The other posture where my core strength comes to the forefront is the Half Tortoise - I go down with control, and easily touch my forehead to the floor before my hands reach the ground. This was pretty much impossible to achieve at the beginning of this year and after two pregnancies so close to each other. But, I'm there now!
Finally, the last thing I've been meaning to mention here for some time now is how the incredible it is to check the Google Stats for this page every now end then. Sometimes it is slightly overwhelming to see how many of you guys are there and how truly global the audience is - loads of you guys in US, all across Europe - UK, Spain, Belgium, Finland to name just a few; Russia, China, Australia... I could go on and on. So if you are reading this, thank you for your time and please do get in touch either here or via e-mail. I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments, especially if you are practicing bikram or doing/planning to do a challenge some time in the future or thinking about going to your first ever class. Namaste!
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