
Day 2

Morning class today. 10 am. Studio wasn't too busy and it seemed like a perfect start to the day. Walking into the room and sitting down on my mat I could feel my body already aching from the previous day's session. However, 10 minutes into the standing series the pains and stiffness were gone. Initially it seemed I was going to sail through this one but it turned out to be less straightforward. In fact, it felt like my body wasn't allowing me to go as deep into positions as it did the previous day.  On the other hand, I was able to exert much more control over my movements, cut out unnecessary fidgeting and clear my heard for a large chunk of the class. Teacher kept repeating "Go back to your breath" and so I did. So easy, but even more easily forgotten.

About half an hour upon leaving the studio tiredness set in. Heavy body, heavy eyelids kind of tired. I was surprised by this sheer wave of exhaustion when it dawned on me - I just did 2x90mins session in  less then 24 hours. Now, I know there are yogis out there who do far more than that but for me this one is a biggie. If there is anything that will keep me going back to the studio every day with no exceptions during the next 28 days - it is the thought of having to do a double session in one day!

It's 19:42 and aiming to be in bed in an hour. Unprecedented.


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