
Day 3

Writing has never really been my thing. That is something that my brother does very well, I on the other hand have always preferred numbers. Despite that, I decided to create this blog as I secretly hope it will keep me going through the next couple of weeks so please bear with me. I do realise also that for those of my friends who read this and are not familiar with bikram yoga, reading about asanas and other yogi stuff daily might not be as interesting as to the ones doing the practice. Therefore, I will also start blogging about things that I do and like and which keep me motivated, wether that be food I use to keep the energy levels up, music, or other totally random stuff so watch this space...

Today was a good day. T & I took the girls to Tate Modern to see 'Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs' exhibition. This is something I promised my first born daughter. A couple of weeks ago, by pure chance she saw a short BBC programme "Goldie's Private View of Matisse" where Goldie the musician walks through the gallery and gives a low down on his favourite pieces. Ever since she's been slightly obsessed by 'The Snail' and 'Icarus' whose story I had to recount at least six times today. She came back with two prints that we now have to hang on the wall in her room. Here she is taking it all in. 

We walked a lot today, so I gave myself some rest in the afternoon and went to a 7pm yoga class. It seems to be that the evening mid week classes are the most popular ones. The studio was full today, to the maximum capacity. In total, 71 people squeezed in one small room. My mat was touching my fellow yogis' mats practicing both to the left and right of me and there was absolutely no personal space, but that is something you pretty much have to leave at the door before you go in anyway. Nonetheless, in my experience these busy classes are some of the best I attended as at times the energy and the synchronised movement in the room is incredible and it just carries you through the class. That was the case tonight. The teacher was great, encouraging and guiding us through at a great pace. I had a quick chat with her afterwards, as I wanted to know the aches and pains I am experiencing all over my body are going to get any better over the next 27 days, and her answer in short was - no. She did however suggested getting some Epsom salts, and using them in long baths. Also I should apparently try and get some foam rollers to use on my muscles. Not even sure how these things look like, but will be hitting the shops tomorrow. All in all, totally unexpected after the last two days but today's class was by far the easiest. Feeling relaxed.

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